Volume 1
Volume 2
Book Description
Maths Olympiad Contest Problems for Primary and Lower Secondary Schools by Dr. G. Lenchner.
A recommended text of the
The Maths Olympiad contests presented these 400 challenging problems and ingenious solutions over a period of 16 years. Aimed at young students, their teachers and parents, the book contains an unusual variety of problems, a section of hints to help the reader get started, and seven unique appendices that inform and enrich, among other features.
Mathematics Teaching in the Primary and Lower Secondary Schools
Copyright © 1997 by George Lenchner
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information or retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted by the Copyright Act of 1976 or in writing by the Publisher. Requests for permission shoud be addressed to: Permissions, Dr George Lenchner, c/o MOEMS, 2154 Bellmore Avenue, Bellmore, New York, 11710, USA
First Edition, printed in New York, USA as "Math Olympiad Contest Problems for Elementary and Meddle Schools" in 1990. ISBN: 0-9626662-1-1. Library of Congress Catalog Number: 96-77380
Feedback and comments about the book
"I enjoyed teaching and working with the Olympiad problems.It encouraged the children to think and apply concepts they've learned as well as to utilize a common sense approach to solving problems"
"Praise for the problem writers. How you manage to squeeze so much logic and thought-provocation into so few words is a real talent."
"The children and I had a very successful year figuring ways to solve problems. It was fun and challenging ... We're doing it again next year."
"It was an absolute joy to observe youngsters work with organisation and understanding. Thank you for all of your wonderful efforts on behalf of Olympiads for elementary age children."
"Attendance, practices and enthusiasm never flagged. No one lost interest ... I have enjoyed this second year of Maths Olympiads even more than the first. I'm looking forward to next year."
"Olympiad problems are a wonderful boost to thinking in the elementary school ... most worthwhile and rewarding for both students and teachers alike."